Discover the map of illegal Airbnb rentals in Paris

Studios Paris Blog

Discover the map of illegal Airbnb rentals in Paris

In what district of Paris the fines against the indelicate proprietors were the heaviest?

In 2018, the courts imposed a total of more than two million euros in fines on landlords who illegally rented their homes in Paris. Le Figaro wanted to know more about the details of these penalties per district, the characteristics of the targeted accommodations (number, surface area, price per night) and the profile of the landlords, and we were able to obtain this data collected by the Paris City Hall.

It should be noted that no illegal Airbnb rentals have been recorded by the City for the 14th, 19th and 20th districts.

As for the owners, the only figures brought to the City's attention are their status. Of the 110 sanctioned landlords (156 housing units), 78 act in their own name and 32 in the form of a civil real estate company or a limited liability company. "We are dealing with investors who have diverted their homes from their original vocation to underground hotels," says Ian Brossat, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of housing.

Concerning the profile of illegally rented housing, here are the results by borough.

TOTAL FINE357 000 euros of fines in the 5th district of Paris.

The 5th district, one of the five most expensive districts in Paris, is the one where the owners were most severely sanctioned (357,000 euros). It alone accounts for 17% of the total fine imposed on fraudulent owners (€2.1 million). This is not to mention the 60,000 euros in fines for six homes in the 5th district that we did not count because no data on the average surface area and price per night was available for these properties. The gap with the following would have been much larger. The 8th (228,000 euros), 4th (212,800 euros) and 2nd (178,000 euros) follow.

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